Headstand Preparation

Headstand Preparation

In this new video Monica explains on a model of the skull what’s important during headstand and what you need to avoid. She also shows how to prepare for headstand by first building shoulder- and arm...
Inversions update

Inversions update

Recent years saw frequent bad publicity for inversions like shoulder-stand and headstand. Most of that circled around arthritis of the cervical discs, which can be accrued in both postures, whereas headstand additionally is singled out for demerit incurred through...
Mayurasana (peacock posture)

Mayurasana (peacock posture)

Yoga asana is often erroneously thought of as dealing only with flexibility. In fact increasing ones level of flexibility is only then functional if this increase is matched by a similar increase of your strength. Ideal for increasing strength is the practise of arm...
Uniting Opposites in Asana

Uniting Opposites in Asana

More on what posture was designed to be. A few weeks back I posted my commentary to Patanjali’s sutras II.46 and II.47, showing how far removed modern yoga has become from it’s original concept. Here now sutra II.48, which deepens the inquiry: II.48 In asana there is...