by Gregor Maehle | Nov 24, 2023 | Anatomy/Rehabilitation, Ashtanga Yoga, Mythology, Teaching
After this book has been out of print for a while I have created a new Print-On-Demand edition. The new edition is now available from most online retailers worldwide. Curiously, Amazon’s UK and Japanese websites still lists it as not in stock. I’m assuming...
by Gregor Maehle | Feb 2, 2023 | Anatomy/Rehabilitation, Asana, Audio/Video, Teaching
“Healing From The Inside Out” Monica Gauci, co-founder of 8 Limbs and Chintamani Yoga, talks with J about learning how to heal ourselves. They discuss her early studies with Shandor Remete, pursuing a degree in chiropractic, studying with Patabhi Jois,...
by Gregor Maehle | Apr 19, 2020 | Audio/Video, Pranayama, Teaching
A good outcome of being unable to travel is that we have finally found the time to create online events. Our online page and video platform just went live! The first course, Pranayama Level 1 (16 lessons), starts Tuesday 21 April, 3pm Sydney time (London 6am/ European...
by Gregor Maehle | Mar 28, 2020 | Asana, Ashtanga Yoga, Teaching
In what way is Ashtanga Yoga unique? Because Ashtanga works with set sequences you are forced to work on your weak spots. If you make up your own sequences it is easy to avoid the things that are difficult. Learning set sequences also means you can take the practice...
by Dr Monica Gauci | Mar 14, 2020 | Anatomy/Rehabilitation, Asana, Teaching
Functional is the buzz word in the exercise, movement and physical rehabilitation scenes. Movements or exercises are considered ‘functional’ if they support the movement patterns that are necessary for us to function in our daily lives. There are seven primal,...
by Gregor Maehle | Feb 8, 2020 | Asana, Ashtanga Yoga, Teaching
In this article I am referring as Ashtanga Yoga to the sequential yoga handed down via T Krishnamacharya, KP Jois and BNS Iyengar (do not mistake with BKS). This method was seen for the first time in writing in Krishnamacharya’s Yoga Makaranda in 1932 but it is...