In this video Gregor speaks about svadharma, becoming a vehicle for a greater intelligence and how to prepare for teaching.
How do you know that you live your own destiny?
by Gregor Maehle | Dec 8, 2017 | Audio/Video, Teaching | 1 comment
In this video Gregor speaks about svadharma, becoming a vehicle for a greater intelligence and how to prepare for teaching.
Hi Gregor,
Oh that was so timely seeing that Dec 8th video clip………..I have been having that exact conversation with myself the last few days whilst journeying up and back from melbourne. And you just answered one of my questions so thankyou!! Very inspiring to hear your voice again & I notice its not the first video clip……..yes I am oh so behind in what I really want to be spending my time on!! Anyway thanks & happy Festive season to you & Moni xx Carolyn.