Explore our extensive blog library for topics on all aspects of yoga and life. And if you have any questions we will do our best to answer them.


This blog will give you updates of what we are currently working on and it will give us the opportunity to stay in contact with the many people and students we have worked with throughout the last few decades. 

After practicing yoga for over thirty years down in the big smoke we felt called to move back into nature into an environment ideal to go deeper into the higher limbs of yoga practice. The Vedas suggest that when one comes to the middle of ones life (around 50) to change ones mode of life and spend more time on spiritual practice in nature. This mode of life is called vanaprashtha (forest dweller). This same mode of life is suggested in many yogic texts. We took that quite literally and live now on a mountaintop surrounded by ancient rainforest. Living in nature inspires our practice greatly, which we can then share when we come back into the cities to teach workshops or retreats.


If you want to post any questions, your mountain top yogis will do their best to answer them.
Sign up for our newsletter or contact us.


Our mission is to equip our teachers with the skills, understanding and knowledge that they can experience the transformative power of yoga. We are committed to giving you an authentic experience with the highest quality of teaching, in a supportive, nurturing environment.


Workshops and events with Gregor Maehle and Monica Gauci are held worldwide. They include modules of our teacher training which are open to any students wishing to learn more and deepen their understanding on a particular subject. All levels are welcome.


A wonderful resource for not just yogis, but for human beings seeking to live life with more peace.

– Erin. Florida, USA


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