Inversions update

Inversions update

Recent years saw frequent bad publicity for inversions like shoulder-stand and headstand. Most of that circled around arthritis of the cervical discs, which can be accrued in both postures, whereas headstand additionally is singled out for demerit incurred through...
Anneke Lucas’ story

Anneke Lucas’ story

Today I want to honor the woman who blew the whistle on sexual abuse in Ashtanga-culture, Anneke Lucas. As Beryl Bender Birch recently said in a podcast even back in the 1980’s everybody knew about Jois’ actions. While everybody knew and few confronted Jois, it took...
Questioning Authorities

Questioning Authorities

One of the last times that I sat in K. Pattabhi Jois’ afternoon student meeting (called “conference”) I looked at a photo of Ramana Maharishi that was hanging on the wall. I asked Jois, “how come Ramana is considered spiritually liberated but he hasn’t done any asanas...